Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results. Here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The featured polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 75+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
● Has not recently been featured in previous suggestion results
This Week's Community Polls (PC Steam)
remove the stupid official structure collision bullshit, its just an annoyance thats got no purpose
Board Comments: We have no structure collision on our servers. Any issues where players believe they are experiencing official collision settings - this is just a bug with a plugin. A simple relog or transfer off and back to your server should fix this and allow you to build once again. Hope this clears that up.
im unsure if this is even possible but adding a queue for players without whitelist would be amazing. It is quite annoying spending hours sitting and refreshing waiting for servers to go down to lower pop. If a queue was added players could add themselves and then would be automatically joined when the population allows for it.
Board Comments: Sadly this is not possible.
longer seasons and full transparency on wipe cycle. Player count will drop as the season progresses, which is perfectly normal. However I think right now we’re kind of in a vicious loop trying not to let the server die by ending the season earlier and with a shorter notice, but this also results in players not building up as frequently after they have gotten raided. Now yes this is partially where beginner servers come in but I’ve rarely ever found myself moving from beginners to main. I think that if seasons were to last longer, people would rebuild more frequently, players would get more motivation with breeding good lines, and MTS would overall be more competitive. Thanks for coming to my ted talk
Board Comments: We have no way to determine or announce when a season will end. We remain committed to 3 month wipes and will go longer if the demand is there for it but typically 3 months wipes are where we are at right now and we have been transparent about this since the beginning of each season.
Eat Bola#1725
Change 2x to 4x Harvest Cuz its not official people play here cuz They dont have enough time to play
Board Comments: You're right, its not official. You have - stack mods, no transfer timers, faster crafting, infinite structure pick up, more slots for storage, S+ tools the list goes on.. 2x harvesting on 8 man tribes with all the quality of life I just listed is more than fine.
Boost farming for the Christmas holidays, if we cant raid then at least let the no lifers farm ALOT
Board Comments: We may share a little Christmas love. Keep an eye out for our Xmas Event!
add a visible cooldown timer in deathscreen for beds
Board Comments: This will require modding and I will add it to the list of "maybe" features we can visit if we ever have the time. More pressing matters on hand currently.
{put spam throughout the whole underwater drop cave on crystal isle. so ppl cant just rely on turrets the whole time_
Board Comments: Our building violation rule 2.1 only comes into effect if structure or turrets are left unattended and abandoned in forbidden locations. Placing temporary structures or turrets whiles farming, utilizing the area or PvP'ing is permitted. If any structures are found in these areas with a render timer more than 1 hour old then this falls under Rule 2.1 and we will remove the structures forcefully and punish the tribe.
make cryo timer reset to 0 after transferring map
Board Comments: This was introduced for balance reasons, and with no transfer timers on unofficial. This feature is to remain.
remove the railgun nerf and make them how they were be4 nerf they literally useless now
Board Comments: As the change to Railguns was fairly recent, we will wait a little longer to see if Wildcard changes it any further - until now. The railgun will remain in its current state.
Addition of a mod that auto-tribes all players across all maps and has set tribe across entire cluster
Board Comments: Nothing like this currently exists that is stable. We may consider this in the future if it becomes possible.
add/invent a mod that reverts the -15% racer HP nerf. This nerf was intended purely for official but has significantly impacted already weak racers on unofficial clusters.
Board Comments: Interesting poll, one I'm for as it will only increase the use of these dinos for raiding, espcially online. Moved to official polls.
Officially Polled
OP Mr.Clean#9440
Bring back 5x taming on all servers
Board Comments: Our servers have always been 5x taming when using old rates (2.5x new rates). This is increased to 10x when using old rates (5x new rates) on weekends.
This Week's Community Polls (Playstation)
higher poly stacks for sure
Board Comments: Moved to official polls
Officially Polled
If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board