Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results. Here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The featured polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 75+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
● Has not recently been featured in previous suggestion results
Last Week's Official Polls Results
add the pocket giga debuff to pocket mantis
1478 - YES (89%) | 182 - NO (11%)
Make the mammoth able to pick rider off of stego, would bring interesting strategies and would swing mammoths into the meta.
1789 - YES (90%) | 182 - NO (10%)
Season 1 Tribe Size - 6 Man Tribes
1414 - YES (77%) | 401 - NO (23%)
PLATFORM: Playstation
All confirmed passed polls will now be integrated into the server in an upcoming patch.
Congratulations to Driftor#3607 & Cutsom#7463 who have won a £5 store voucher.

This Week's Community Polls (PC Steam)
Increase the range of the tek trough :)
Board Comments: We cannot "Mod" TEK Engrams easily as there are issues with said engrams unlocking via traditional methods of defeating bosses etc. S+ Feeding Trough already has a huge range + you have increased stack size for Meat/Berries/Food. This should suffice.
permanent 1.2 loot on beginners
Board Comments: Not totally against this idea. Officially Polled.
Officially Polled
Remove heatstroke from the game, it adds literally nothing. It is basically the diseases all over again and no one likes that.
Board Comments: You are able to level up Fortitude 10 per level & infinite Mindwipes. Heatstroke should not be a problem.
Cheese Bandit#7705
Make spiders act like griffins when c4'd.
Board Comments: This would require a completely modded version of Bloodstalker and the change is insignificant for me to approve this for modding. If we ever do anything with Bloodstalkers in the future I will consider this addition to any changes we make to the creature. For now - it will be overruled.
Make the tek replicator able to get powered from a tek generator
Board Comments: For the same reasons stated for the TEK Trough suggestion. We do not mod TEK engrams typically.
Revert the Megalechon nerf from 0.5x to 0.3x damage taken in the shell, Megalechons are currently greatly underused, this is partially because in most cases they are not worth it to use over racers as they cannot eat sweet vegetable cakes, are clunky and slow, and way harder to tame and breed and raise compared to racers.
Board Comments: We feel the Giant Turtle is in a good place right now and doesn't require any other changes. There are a lot of good "Soaker" dinos currently so this change is not required immediately.

This Week's Community Polls (Playstation)
No building on top, or around explorer notes.
Board Comments: At wipe, this would be too nit-picky to police. And after the initial "Note Run" at launch day people wouldn't care. Just destroy any structures you see - players can put structures down, you can blow them up.. its pvp.
If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board