Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results. Here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The featured polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 75+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
● Has not recently been featured in previous suggestion results

This Week's Community Polls (PC Steam)
Pastor Mike#6941
remove breed timer from cryos
Board Comments: Moved to official polls.
Officially Polled
Make an mod / plugin that is able to show you which tribemember turned off stuff like turrets, generator in tribelog. It would make insideing cases much more easier for mods / admins. Should also show if it ran out of gas / elem on it own
Board Comments: Sadly not possible for us to do currently.
Add a way for MTS to track how much resources you’ve farmed. For example metal, you can possibly add a hall of fame spot for best PvE’r and it would also help with tribe recruitment. You’d be able to see how much you’ve farmed on MyMTS along with a leaderboard.
Board Comments: We are looking into ways of expanding MyMTS and this is on the list of potential ideas, we'll keep it stored.
Make it that mantis' aren't able to be ridden in lave golem. (if its possible) ATM mantis removes the idea of ground pvp in golem.
Board Comments: It's not possible to remove riding Mantis in certain areas of the map. The only thing I can suggest is to create a poll to make them untameable/unbreedable etc.
Permanent 5x taming, makes it easier to start midweek without affecting bigger tribes
Board Comments: 2.5x weekdays, 5.0x weekends is already high enough. Especially with a shop containing kibble.
Make it so u can see who imprinted a dino in a cryopod.
Board Comments: We don't feel comfortable changing cryopods at this time as Wildcard seem to keep changing them, we'll wait for the dust to settle a bit.
Able to see who put teleporter on public in tribe log
Board Comments: Sadly not possible for us to do currently.
Nerf the harvesting reward from the tribe wars - either the multiplier or the duration
Board Comments: It's still the first week of tribe wars, things will inevitably change and adapt. I'm sure the prizes will be tweaked if deemed necessary.

This Week's Community Polls (Playstation)
increase the smelting rate a bit and decrease the alpha spawn rate
Board Comments: It's not possible for us to edit smelting time on console, and Alpha spawns rates are vanilla and we do not plan to change them at this time.
add a small weight buff
Board Comments: Player's already received double weight per level, this is high enough. Remember MTS is meant to be very vanilla in terms of unofficial and we do not want the seesaw to tip too much in the other direction.
buff rhinos so they can rage gigas
Board Comments: It's not possible for us to do at this time.
The Goat#9081
buff Dino raising
Board Comments: 10x Breeding & increased imprinting per level is already VERY high.
If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board